Microaggressions, jokes, words implying otherness – discrimination in everyday life can take on seemingly harmless forms. What is humor for and does it have to be black? Is it there to relieve tension or to deal with it? How long does it take society to accept changes in language? How to make others more sensitive in their everyday language use? Who carries out this process and how? What is happening with the Polish language today? What kind of developments and fashions is it currently undergoing?
The interview with the anti-discrimination trainer and lecturer Margaret Amaka Ohia-Nowak, Ph.D., was conducted by journalist Agata Kasprolewicz (Raport z przyszłości). A visual note from the meeting was prepared by Edyta Emme (Myślenie Wizualne – Visual Thinking).

Edyta Emme’s visual note from the meeting in PDF format can be found here.