Understanding the World

Our knowledge and experience significantly impact our perception of the world around us and the reality we inhabit. Each of us perceives the world from a slightly different angle, influenced by the places we move through and the situations we find ourselves in. However, by clutching a specific worldview too tightly, one risks overlooking quite a lot.

Discussing other people with respect is of foundational importance. It is our intention that the materials in this tab will help the viewer understand that the content and message of a given story are influenced by the storyteller’s perspective on the world.

Explore what shapes the ways we think about the world, and learn about stories that can help us see reality from a new perspective.

  • 24.05.2022


    PAH Activists' Academy Webinar

    The topic of the meeting is racism – a belief that one race is superior to another. It is a heterogeneous phenomenon, and it can be effectively analyzed only in a clearly outlined historical context. Our field of research will be capitalism, i.e. an economic system based on private property. We will look at how this system divides and rules, creating hierarchies and identity contradictions. An example that we will subject to detailed analyses is Eurocentrism, which takes the form of colonialism, culturalism and orientalism.

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  • 26.10.2021

    “How Language Shapes the Way We Think”

    TED talk by Lera Boroditsky

    Language fundamentally impacts our perception of the world. How we talk about other people and places reveals how we feel and think about them. Stories are narrated to us in specific ways that can influence our worldview. Listen to Lera Boroditsky’s talk for an in-depth examination of this issue.

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  • 26.10.2021
    animated movie

    “History vs. Christopher Columbus”

    TED-Ed animation by Alex Gendler

    Christopher Columbus, as a historical persona, is familiar to most Europeans. We have long been taught that Columbus was an intrepid explorer who discovered unknown lands, catalyzing a “golden age” of global expansion. However, this is a simplistic and one-sided narrative that fails to examine this period of history in all its dimensions, including the iniquities spawned by conquest and colonization. In his animation, Alex Gendler sheds light on aspects of the story that schools have long turned a blind eye to.

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