Understanding the World

Our knowledge and experience significantly impact our perception of the world around us and the reality we inhabit. Each of us perceives the world from a slightly different angle, influenced by the places we move through and the situations we find ourselves in. However, by clutching a specific worldview too tightly, one risks overlooking quite a lot.

Discussing other people with respect is of foundational importance. It is our intention that the materials in this tab will help the viewer understand that the content and message of a given story are influenced by the storyteller’s perspective on the world.

Explore what shapes the ways we think about the world, and learn about stories that can help us see reality from a new perspective.

  • 26.10.2021

    “Colonial History – Postcolonial Societies”

    Lecture organized by the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews

    The lecture “Colonial History – Postcolonial Societies: On the Politics of Selective Memory in Europe” examined the problematics of postcolonialism and postcolonial societies. The lecture was delivered, by Professor Gurminder K. Bhambra of the University of Sussex, as a part of the CoHERE “Who Is Europe?” conference, which took place, on November 22–23, 2018, at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw.

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