2023/2024 – UKRAINE
Project duration:
17th August 2023 - 30th June 2024
Sumska oblast, Ukraine

Within the framework of the project, PAH is providing financial support to people crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border by registering people at centers in Krasnopillia and the city of Sumy in Ukraine.

Together with IOM, we provide cash assistance to about 150 people a day at the verification and transit centers we coordinate. These people cross the only active crossing on the Russian-Ukrainian border and come from regions currently under Russian control. At the centers, they also receive food aid, obtain safe shelter, access to showers and toilets, and psychological support.


To make this possible, we have provided appropriate training to the staff of the local partner organization responsible for registering for assistance. We are also responsible for the overall coordination of the center’s work.


As part of our activities, 18,150 people will receive assistance.

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