Number of aid recipients:
3333 (including 1466 women and girls)
Project location:
Akobo East, Akobo West and Greater Pibor Administrative Area counties, state of Jonglei
Source of funds:
This project has been implemented in areas affected by floods which significantly impacted Jonglei state and damaged crops as well as water supply infrastructure in schools. Since the beginning of 2021, South Sudan, in particular Akobo and Pibor states, has been exposed to multi-level challenges, and despite reduction in the number of internal conflicts the people living in those regions are still facing challenges posed by climate threats, epidemics, local ethnic conflicts, and loss of means of support.
Our activities consisted in construction and repairs of water supply and sanitary infrastructure, including but not limited to wells, water intake points, water tanks, and latrines. As part of the project we have also carried out activities that promote hygiene and distributed hygiene packs, including menstrual hygiene kits.
We have created infrastructure adapted to the needs of women in schools.