2021/2022 – Ukraine – Protection / Livelihood / Food / WASHback

The main goal of this project is to improve social protection and resilience of the vulnerable population in Donetska and Luhanska oblasts through provision and integration of quality social support services and creating adapted livelihood and/or social entrepreneurship opportunities. In partnership with local (Kharkiv) Charity Fund “Blahorob” the project was modified to help the population in Kharkivska oblast as well.

The project has multi-sectorial nature and covers Protection, WASH and Food Security & Livelihood sectors.

Under the Protection activities, PAH improves system of social services provision and, consequently, resilience of conflict-affected people through:

  1.  integration of social protection services into the areas social care system in the form of co-financing (with local authorities) positions of 20 social workers and 4 psychologists, as well as developing or strengthening local Social Protection Strategies;
  2. capacity building for 80 social institutions’ employees on both psychosocial issues and health-related issues. At the same time, to empower communities and strengthen their community-based protection, PAH will further build capacity of 24 representatives of local NGOs or activists in such topics as fundraising, project management advocacy, referral system, identifying protection risks etc. This activity will go along with the provision of five grants to strengthen community social infrastructure.

Under the given project, PAH strives to build synergy between social protection and livelihoods, as those are interlinked. ln this regard, PAH contributes to livelihood resilience of most vulnerable population groups residing along the “contact line” through:

  1. conducting Livelihoods Needs Assessment, results of which to be shared with the local authorities and the humanitarian/development aid actors;
  2. co-financing (with local authorities) the positions of livelihood specialists as well as developing or improving local Economic Strategies and its compliance with the Social Protection Strategies.

At the same time:

350 most vulnerable people (elderly and persons with disabilities; caretakers aged over 40 years old) will gain access to livelihood and/or employment opportunities.

250 of them will build their capacity in the area of self-employment and social/micro entrepreneurship and 100 other persons will participate in the training sessions on employment search.

50 most successful business ideas will be provided with livelihoods grants (agriculture and non-agriculture).

In total, 7529 people will receive aid

Project duration: 01.11.2021 – 31.12.2022
Location: Donetska, Luhanska and Kharkivska oblasts; Ukraine
Donor: Ukraine Humanitarian Fund (UHF) / OCHA
Implementing partner: Charity Fund “Blahorob”

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