Access to healthcare
What are the challenges in accessing health care in a crisis? What actions is the PHA taking?

When a humanitarian crisis occurs, people’s health and lives are particularly at risk. The absence of secure shelter, clean water, food, and access to healthcare poses a significant threat, especially for pregnant women, the elderly, and those with chronic illnesses. 


Humanitarian crises frequently entail a high number of injured individuals in need of specialized care. This underscores the critical importance of initiatives aimed at preserving life, promoting health, and alleviating suffering.


We support the operation of hospitals, clinics, and medical centers in humanitarian crisis settings by providing essential equipment, medicines, and supplies. Additionally, we implement medical waste management systems and offer training to the dedicated teams, covering their salaries. Our efforts extend to activities aimed at curbing the spread of diseases and ensuring access to clean water, which involves the construction and repair of latrines, as well as plumbing repairs.


To guarantee access to healthcare, among other things, we:

  • provide necessary equipment and medicines
  • support medical center staff through training and salary payments
  • introduce effective medical waste management systems
  • conduct activities to reduce the spread of diseases and facilitate access to clean water (including the renovation of water and sewage systems and the construction of latrines)
  • execute educational campaigns

How can you help?

Your help is essential medicines, medical equipment and training and support for medical personnel. It’s help to aid the sick and suffering, including children and the elderly. Donate to PAH:

Direct donation:
Tell us how we can operate even more efficiently. Cooperate with us. Let's work on the project together!
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