2022/2023 – Ukraine – Protection / WASH / Shelterback

Under this project, PAH will provide the humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable conflict-affected people residing in Kyivska and Dnipropetrovska oblasts in the areas of protection, WASH and Shelter. 

PROTECTION: PAH will provide help to the 600 most vulnerable persons with restricted mobility by providing the assistive devices (e.g. steps to the bath, walker cart, chair for shower, crutches, walking frames etc.), with the added consultation of the Rehabilitation Technical Expert. One person can receive several assistive devices under this project, if necessary. 

WASH: The 600 most vulnerable persons with special needs will receive hygiene kits that include diapers for adults.  

SHELTER: PAH will provide 50 most vulnerable households in Kyivska oblast with temporary modular houses, while another 10 vulnerable households will receive assistance in the form of shelter reconstructions – their homes will be reconstructed.  

At the same time, PAH will also provide winterization cash assistance for 3 months to the 170 most vulnerable households in the targeted areas. 


In total, 1798 people will receive aid. 


Project duration: 01.11.2022 – 30.10.2023 
Location:  Kyivska and Dnipropetrovska oblasts; Ukraine 
Donor: Action Aid 

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