2023/2024 – POLAND
Project duration:
February 2023 - October 2024
Olsztyn, Toruń, Bydgoszcz, Grudziądz; Poland
PAH's own funds

“Social Inclusion” is a multi-sector project to support refugees from Ukraine. The target group is people in need who left Ukraine after February 10, 2022 due to the ongoing armed conflict. It was designed on the basis of an in-depth needs analysis and envisages an increase in people’s independence and their overcoming of barriers in the conditions of their new socio-cultural environment.

The aim of the project is to provide financial support to ensure: access to housing, access to the labor market, opportunities to improve their professional skills, including learning the Polish language, covering emergency expenses related to education and other basic needs. The project assumes the implementation of the path of empowerment of the Program Participant, the purpose of which is to overcome barriers and increase independence in the conditions of their new socio-cultural environment, so that the participants of the project could/should in the future independently continue the already started rental or rent an apartment on the open market in Poland.


In total, assistance will reach about 360 people.

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