2024/2025 SOMALIA
Project duration:
1st January 2024 – 31st March 2025
Jowhar and Mahaday; Middle Shabelle; Hirshabelle; Somalia
Number of people who will receive aid:
World Food Programme (WFP)

The objective of the project is to provide unconditional cash transfers to enhance immediate access to food, as well as household income by people affected by conflicts and/or flooding.  

This objective will be achieved by providing 3 cycles of monthly cash transfers to the most affected communities in Jowhar and Mahaday districts of Middle Shabelle region. We also aim to improve gender equality and women’s empowerment – at least 60 percent of the assisted people will be women, since they are highly vulnerable in the event of continued rains, displacement, and disease outbreaks. 


PAH will assist the most food-insecure and newly displaced households, the most nutritionally vulnerable, marginalized communities, and hard-to-reach areas. The selection process will involve local authorities, community leaders, and PAH staff to ensure accurate targeting. Community-based structures like village committees and women’s forums will be integral to decision-making, ensuring the inclusion of vulnerable groups such as minorities, people with disabilities, the elderly, and child-headed households. Local community members will be recruited for project implementation. PAH will also coordinate with national and international actors and humanitarian platforms for effective information sharing.  

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