2024-2025 – SOMALIA
Project duration:
1st May 2024 – 30th April 2025
Banaadir, Muduug, Middle Shabelle, Galgaduud and Bay regions; Somalia
Number of people who will receive aid:
EU Humanitarian Aid
archenoVa (AN) and Environmental and Rural Development Organization (ERDO)

Building on lessons learned from current actions, the consortium of non-governmental organizations active in Somalia Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH), archenoVa (AN), and Somali organization Environmental and Rural Development Organization (ERDO) will deliver life-saving water, sanitary and hygiene services to the 33,766 vulnerable people in South Central Somalia. The project will target the newly displaced and vulnerable internally displaced persons, as well as host communities in Banaadir, Middle Shabelle, Muduug and Galgaduud regions. In 2024 project’s reach will expand to include Baidoa in Bay region, where the services will be provided through local partner ERDO to address flash flood damage and increased protection risks.  

The consortium response to the crisis will include providing essential water supply, sanitation, and hygiene services, as well as emergency services to address urgent needs in rapid-onset and deteriorating situations. 


PAH and its partners aim to provide safe water access to 5,116 newly displaced households and host communities through building boreholes, water trucking, and facilities’ rehabilitation. Rising water prices and water scarcity, exacerbated by floods and an influx of internally displaced people make these services highly needed. The consortium members will rehabilitate and construct critical water infrastructure, including boreholes, shallow wells, and emergency tap stands. 


To improve sanitation in the temporary shelter sites for internally displaced persons, PAH and its partners will construct 160 emergency latrines, with some built through Cash-for-Work system to engage local communities and provide income for its members. Flood-proofing measures will be included for latrines in prone areas.  


The project also focuses on sustainable water systems and strengthening local water management. Additionally, 38 Community Hygiene Promoters, 11 Community Mobilizers, and 84 Environmental and Sanitation Committee members will lead hygiene campaigns and waste management, with hygiene promotion reaching at least 14,500 people through household visits. 

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