2024/2025 - SOUTH SUDAN
Project duration:
2nd December 2024 - 2nd March 2025
Manyo County, Upper Nile State; South Sudan
Number of people who will receive assistance:
approx. 9,000
PAH own funds

Since the outbreak of Sudan’s civil war in April 2023, more than 905,000 people have crossed the border into South Sudan, and it is estimated that an additional 337,000 people will enter the country in 2025. Most of them have no resources to support their families, leaving them completely dependent on humanitarian aid and the support of local communities. 

The high concentration of people in the border region has already become a serious problem. In response to these challenges, the Joda, Renk and Manyo regions have been designated as key locations where support is channeled to those who need it. Manyo County is one of the main destinations for returning South Sudanese and refugees from Sudan. 


In response to these challenges, PAH has launched a project to provide immediate assistance and improve the living conditions of affected individuals and communities in temporary camps before they move on. 


PAH will donate more than 3,000 kits containing basic hygiene items for the families most in need, and will organize surface water purification for the next three months. In addition, educational activities will be conducted to raise awareness among local residents and refugees about hygiene principles and prevention of infectious diseases. 


Under the project, 9,000 people will receive assistance. 

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