2024-2025 – UKRAINE
Project duration:
1 September 2024 – 28 February 2025
Kharkiv and Chernihiv oblasts, Ukraine
Number of people who will receive assistance:

As part of the project, PAH will provide both financial and material assistance to residents of the Chernihiv and Kharkiv oblasts to help them prepare for the upcoming winter.

In the face of possible attacks on energy and heating infrastructure that may occur in the coming months, these are very important initiatives.


We will deliver firewood to 350 families in the Kharkiv oblast. Apart from that, 1,940 people in the Chernihiv oblast will receive financial support allowing them to cover expenses related to preparing for the winter season.


PAH will also renovate centres for internally displaced persons to adapt the buildings for the winter months (among others by ensuring thermal insulation of the buildings and carrying out minor renovation works such as replacing windows and doors).


As part of our activities aid will reach 2,640 people.



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