2024 – KENYA
Project duration:
20th June 2024 – 21st December 2024
Makueni County, Kenya
Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Nairobi - Polish Aid
Vertical Garden

As part of the project, PAH installs hydroponic systems that make food cultivation more efficient and environmentally friendly. Our activities are carried out in the southeastern part of Kenya, in Makueni County. They are aimed at increasing food security for communities in this region.

Makueni County belongs to the ASAL (arid and semi-arid lands) regions of Kenya, which are characterized by high rainfall variability. The effects of climate change and rapid population growth contribute to food insecurity, environmental degradation and high levels of poverty. Most rivers in the region are seasonal, meaning that water flows in them only during the rainy season.


The economic and social development of this area is based mainly on rainfed agriculture. Unfortunately, 70 to 80% of rainwater is lost due to inadequate water collection and storage techniques. Therefore, there is need for comprehensive initiatives encompassing access to water (necessary not only for hygiene but also for agricultural development), introduction of new agricultural practices (that increase production and are environmentally friendly) and active counteracting the effects of climate change. Only a multifaceted approach will allow to solve the complex problems faced by the local communities, especially in the context of ongoing climate change.


In response to these challenges, we are installing hydroponic systems in a school. It will receive greenhouses with troughs and planter boxes for vegetables. This will improve nutrition among students and also make the school more resilient to sudden price changes. We are also organizing trainings in compost production and crop management. In total, over 200 students and teachers from Ndulu Primary School will benefit from this initiative.

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