KENYA 1/24-25
Project duration:
Makueni County, Kenya
Number of people who will receive assistance:
PAH’s own funds

The project aims to improve the quality of life of school communities in Kenya by increasing their access to water. This is made possible through an innovative approach to the sustainable recycling of gray water – that is, water that has not been contaminated but is not drinkable. The project focuses on two schools with a total of 1,640 students and school staff.

In cooperation with a Kenyan start-up OMIFLO, we are introducing plant matrix ponds where phytoremediation plants are planted. They treat wastewater and gray water, allowing it to be reused for a variety of purposes, such as washing hands, washing dishes, irrigating school gardens and cleaning.


The project will enhance the overall safety and well-being of school communities by providing for them access to clean water, promoting hygiene and sanitation practices, and mitigating health risks associated with water-borne diseases. Through the successful implementation of the project, participating schools will be more independent of external water sources. This will also reduce their costs and improve their resilience to the challenges of water scarcity.


The project uses innovative solutions and community engagement to address water scarcity, improve sanitation and enhance educational opportunities. By supporting sustainable practices and leveraging partnerships, we aim to create lasting positive change and contribute to the overall well-being and resilience of local communities.

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