2024 – POLAND
Project duration:
January - December 2024
Bydgoszcz, Toruń; Poland
PAH's own funds, CARE USA
EMIC Foundation

The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive and individual support to people who have fled from Ukraine in the face of war and who are staying in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship. Within the framework of the project, activities are carried out at two information and advice points: in Toruń and Bydgoszcz. Refugees reporting to the points can obtain multi-sectoral support in terms of access to information, psychological, legal and professional support, language courses and integration activities. 

Activities to be carried out under the project include: 

  1. Consultant support at the information and counselling points: providing information on administrative matters, support with medical care, referrals to career counsellors and lawyers. 
  2. Psychological counselling for children and adults, taking the form of individual therapy focused on addressing each person’s needs. 
  3. Job placement and support with employers: support from an employment specialist in preparing CVs, searching for employment opportunities and further training courses. 
  4. Legal counselling: providing legal advice to project recipients and monitoring of individual cases. 
  5. Polish language courses at basic to intermediate levels. 
  6. Organisation of integration events: participation in workshops, events and excursions to promote the integration process. 


In total, approximately 1 100 people will be assisted. 

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