2024 – POLAND
Project duration:
January - December 2024
Przemyśl; Poland
PAH's own funds, CARE USA
Association of Ukrainians in Poland

The main goal of the project is to improve the living situation of those residing in Poland affected by the conflict in Ukraine. Support includes temporary shelter, access to information, language courses, legal advice and psychological consultations, as well as integration activities.

In cooperation with a local partner, the Union of Ukrainians in Poland, multi-sectoral assistance is provided: 

  1. Support through the reception point: the possibility of temporary accommodation in a short- to medium-term hostel with full board available and psychological and medical support for the most vulnerable people arriving in Przemyśl. 
  2. Providing access to information: volunteers and staff provide information to those arriving at the reception point at the Przemyśl railway station. In addition, a Mother and Child Room – a place for children and their carers and people with special needs to rest – is run at the station. 
  3. Providing clerical and administrative support, including providing information on obtaining a PESEL number, mObywatel profile, access to translation, temporary shelter. In addition, monitoring of offices in the context of accessibility for Ukrainian refugees is carried out. 
  4. Providing access to psychological assistance: supporting people fleeing the conflict in Ukraine through individual psychological sessions, as well as referring people to specialists. 
  5. Organising Polish and Ukrainian language classes. 
  6. Organising integration and cultural activities in the form of workshops for adults and children from Ukraine and Poland. 
  7. Artist residency: temporary accommodation and scholarships for Ukrainian artists. 
  8. NGO residency: temporary accommodation, training, workshops and knowledge exchange for activists from Ukraine. 


In total, approximately 5,000 people will be assisted. 

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