2024 – Yemen
Project duration:
1st January - 31st December 2024
Ma’rib and Ma’rib Al-Wadi, muhafaza Ma’rib
Number of people who will receive assistance:
14 ,868
PAH's own funds

In Yemen, Polish Humanitarian Action is implementing intersectoral relief activities that will support 14,868 internally displaced persons and local community members in the Ma’rib Al Wadi and Ma’rib city areas.

In the area of health care, we are implementing comprehensive relief efforts at the Al Saqet clinic, which has remained closed until now due to the war and economic crisis. Our activities include carrying out necessary repairs and supplying medicines, laboratory reagents and essential medical equipment. We also plan to subsidize payments to medical staff.


To ensure that the clinic maintains proper sanitary conditions and can be fully operational, we are providing medical staff with personal protective equipment and cleaning supplies. In addition, the clinic will get a direct connection to a nearby water intake. 


Some patients find it difficult to reach the clinic due to limited mobility in the desert areas of Ma’rib Al-Wadi, disabilities, cultural factors and ongoing threats to their safety. With them in mind, we have established a local team of health volunteers and a team of midwives. They pass on information about proper health and nutrition practices and inform them of the possibility of getting help. In critical situations, our midwives are also able to deliver babies.


PAH is also coordinating partners and monitoring needs in 5 camps for internally displaced persons in the Ma’rib muhafazah. To this end, we work with so-called community committees to report on needs and report on activities. We perform these activities as members of the humanitarian cluster, which is in charge of precisely coordinating the camps (the so-called CCCM – Camp Coordination and Camp Management).


Activities in the camps respond to well-defined and prioritized needs of the population. Due to the growing threat of a cholera epidemic, PAH is renewing existing water intake points. Electricity repairs are also being carried out in the camps due to the high risk of fires.


Camp residents are also receiving kits from PAH to equip their temporary shelters in the camp with blankets, mattresses or portable stoves.


PAH also helps civilians obtain temporary documents that have been lost while fleeing their homes. For this purpose, the organization works with the local population office.


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