Polish Humanitarian Action is raising funds to support migrants

Due to the ever-worsening humanitarian situation at the Poland-Belarus border Polish Humanitarian Action has launched a special fundraiser to support migrants. Donations are being used, inter alia, to pay for food, clothes, blankets, sleeping bags, flasks and wound care supplies. The purchased in-kind aid is being passed on to organisations and institutions acting on the ground and helping persons who are at risk of pushbacks and spending nights in a forest.

The situation is a life-threatening one for people unprepared for such severe conditions. With the temperatures dropping the need for warm clothes, food, water and medications becomes even more urgent. Among those particularly vulnerable to hypothermia and dehydration are women, inlcuding pregnant women, as well as young children.

It is also a challenging time for migration centres that have been welcoming unprecedented numbers of migrants and doing all they can to meet their growing list of needs. For this reason a part of our funds will be dedicated to buying most needed items for persons who found temporary shelter in those institutions. We also plan to support the centres by paying for necessary medical appointments or psychological consultations.

Our decision to join the aid activities supporting migrants was preceded by a careful assessment of their needs as well as possibilities to coordinate aid delivery on the ground. In the implementation of the activities PAH will collaborate with the Wrocław TRATWA Association founded after the tragic flood in Wrocław in 1997.

You can support PAH’s assistance to migrants by:

– making a bank transfer to account number 02 2490 0005 0000 4600 8316 8772, IBAN: PL02 2490 0005 0000 4600 8316 8772, SWIFT CODE: ALBPPLPW, Alior Bank S.A.

– by clicking the DONATE button below

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