Project duration:
permanent implementation
whole Poland
PAH's own funds

“Pajacyk” (Puppet) is a programme under which the Polish Humanitarian Action has been helping children and youth in Poland since 1998. “Pajacyk” finances meals in schools and day support facilities; from 2021 it has also been funding activities focused at protecting mental health. The aim of the programme is to care for the health and proper development of each and every child.

In 2022, the nutritional programme was expanded to provide hot meals to children from Ukraine studying in schools covered by the Pajacyk programme as well as those attending day support facilities, community and socio-therapeutic centres during the holiday season.


As part of the new edition of the “Pajacyk – psychosocial assistance” programme, psychological and psychiatric support is provided to children regardless of their nationality; this covers support in response to the trauma related to the refugee status. The programme also promotes knowledge among teachers, care providers and other school staff about refugees, and supports parents and carers. The special edition of the programmed called “Ukraine 2022”, planned to run from September 2022 to September 2023, is financed by CARE USA and Plan International. 39 organizations from all over Poland participate in the programme.


More information can be found on the official website of the programme:

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