2024/2025 – MADAGASCAR
Project duration:
29th April 2024 - 31st August 2025
provinces Anosy, Androy and Atsimo Andrefana; Madagascar
Number of people who will receive assistance:
50 000
WHH and Rain Madagascar

Deteriorating climatic conditions in Madagascar have contributed to extreme drought in the south of the country. The trend of decreasing average annual rainfall across the island and the unpredictability of such rainfall has particularly affected the southern regions (the so-called Grand Sud), causing a chronic water crisis. A large part of the local population depends on family farming and livestock breeding for its survival and livelihood. 

Access to water is essential for maintaining sources of income in the area. The PAH-led project therefore aims to improve access to water among selected communities living in southern Madagascar. 

The project involves: 

  • constructing 5 water dams (with Kenyan partner Africa Sand Dam Foundation – ASDF) 
  • erecting 200 rainwater tanks (with local partner Rain Madagascar) 
  • construction of 10 surface wells 
  • creation of 10 community gardens 
  • planting 2,800 seedlings 


The project is targeting 50 000 people through direct and indirect actions. 

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