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Development cooperation
What is development cooperation? What action does it involve?
Development cooperation

Development cooperation and aid are various forms of support which are provided to the developing countries with a sufficient financial capital, international organizations, finance organizations and non-government organizations. It may take financial, material and technical forms.  

Development cooperation helps the transitional processes of moving on from humanitarian aid, which by default is considered short-term, to long-term actions for the maintenance of development and peace. 

What challenges does development cooperation address?

Development cooperation addresses many challenges of the developing countries:  

  • Poverty and inequalities: Many developing countries are faced with the issues of social inequalities and a high level of poverty. 
  • HealthcareNo access to basic healthcare, high mortality rates of infants, viral diseases and no medical infrastructure. 
  • Education: Low educational level, no access to schooling, no access to qualified teachers.
  • Management of water supplies and the sanitary conditions: No access to running water and sanitary infrastructure, leading to disease and high mortality rates. 
  • Climate change and the state of the environment: Environmental degradation, climate changes, deforestation and the loss of biodiversity
  • The state of institutions and government: Weak institutions, bribery and corruption, weak law.
  • The economy: Low industrialization level, no infrastructure, dependance on natural materials.
  • Humanitarian crises and conflicts: Wars, armed conflicts, migrations, natural disasters. 


Development cooperation takes the holistic approach, which accounts for various aspects and conditions to promote a constant and balanced development in the entire world. 

What does the Polish Humanitarian Action do?

When acting within the area of development cooperation, we focus on creating the foundations for the renewal of places in which a crisis has occurred. Development cooperation additionally includes the support of communities – their economic, educational, healthcare and infrastructure developments. They become, as such, less dependent on humanitarian aid.


A lack of basic materials and inner conflict in communities constitute potential future conflict causes. As such, in the process of development cooperation we help to promote unity in the communities, and joint actions in local communities.


In order to reinforce the communities against future crises: 

  • We help in the acquisition of income sources (e.g. via providing courses and trainings) 
  • We promote modern agricultural solutions. 
  • We support the development of infrastructure (e.g. water conditioning facilities, solar-powered water systems, waterwork networks) 

How can you help?

Development cooperation actions have a large impact on the lives of the people. Development cooperation is an investment into their agency and independence from humanitarian aid, as well as their healthcare, education, and into leading dignified lives. All of the money donated to PAH can provide a better life for the people whom we aid. Donate to PAH:

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Our current development cooperation projects
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