2024/2025 – SOMALIA
Project duration:
1st August 2024 – 31st May 2025
Gaalkacyo district, Mudug region; Somalia
Number of people who will receive aid:
Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF)

The Gaalkacyo district in Somalia, heavily affected by El Niño floods and other climatic shocks, is the focus of PAH’s lifesaving response in areas of water, sanitation and hygiene provision. The project aims to reduce acute needs in these aspects among the most vulnerable internally displaced persons. 

The project will target 11,430 internally displaced persons and rural communities’ members, including 1,715 people with disabilities. 


PAH’s activities will focus on providing both immediate and sustainable solutions, including: 

  1. Improving access to safe, drinkable water for 11,430 people (1905 households) by engaging community-owned boreholes to provide water to drought and conflict-affected internally displaced persons’ settlements, as well as borehole and shallow well rehabilitation. This is necessary due to the destruction of key water infrastructure, widespread displacement, and a surge in suspected cases of acute watery diarrhea /cholera. 
  2. Installing emergency tap stands, distribution networks, and providing spare parts (submersible pumps, solar panels, etc.), as well as establishing and capacity-building gender-balanced water management committees to ensure the continuity of water, hygiene and sanitation services. 
  3. Constructing 60 new emergency flood-protected latrines for internally displaced persons, including latrines adapted to the needs of persons with disabilities with proper handwashing facilities. At least 15% of the facilities (9) will be accessible to the people with disabilities. 
  4. Providing capacity-building training for hygiene promoters and community hygiene promoters to facilitate effective hygiene promotion messaging, including Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), and distributing hygiene kits to 1,000 households, including female-specific hygiene items. 

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