Throughout holidays, we invite you to meet us during the biggest music festivals in Poland. Every year, we meet thousands of young people wanting to cooperate with us and engage in fundraising around the country. Holiday time favors discussions about access to safe water and sanitary conditions.

Lack of the access to water and sanitation is still a big problem around the world. In our everyday life, we often forget about other people’s living conditions and basic needs of food and water. Yu can visit our tent and learn more about our work on improving access to water and sanitation in Somalia, South Sudan and Syria. See you there:

You can also watch “Last man in Aleppo” movie and meet with our employee who will tell more about our work in Syria (friday, 30.07, 6:30 PM). Don’t hesitate to ask some questions!

You can also join our workshop-game “The well in South Sudan” and learn more about everyday life of South Sudanese. On Saturday, we invite you to a meeting with  Janina Ochojska (11:00 AM). We will talk about current humanitarian crises in South Sudan and Somalia.

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