Janina Ochojska in the European Parliamentback

Janina Ochojska was elected as a member of the European Parliament on May 26, 2019. She ran from the electoral list of Koalicja Obywatelska, but as an independant candidate and did not join the ranks of any political party member on the list. Since she took the decision to stand for election, Janina Ochojska has been on unpaid leave at PAH and hasn’t participated in the ongoing work of the Foundation. The Foundation did not get involved in the election campaign, nor did it support the activities of Janina Ochojska in the European Parliament.

While a member of the European Parliament, due to the need to meet the high standards of transparency at the Foundation , Janina Ochojska suspended all activities at PAH. She decided to retain the title of President, since, like every Management Board member, she performs these functions pro bono. She will not be making any decisions relating to the functioning of PAH until the end of her term in Parliament.

The election of Janina Ochojska to the European Parliament does not conflict with the ethical principles we adhere to. We remain an independent, impartial and apolitical organization. We have never engaged and will not engage in the activities of any political party, and our assistance will be provided solely on the basis of people’s needs, as we have until now.

Like many other aid organizations, PAH cooperates with state authorities only to increase the effectiveness of humanitarian and development aid, and can also provide them with substantive support stemming from our many years of experience.

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