2020 – SYRIA – EMERGENCYback

Our assistance is an emergency response to the humanitarian crisis in northern Syria. The aim of the project is to improve living conditions of the people who had to flee their homes due to the recent military offensive. The project is carried out in the cooperation with our local partner – WATAN Foundation. Our activities include assistance to the temporary reception centre for the newly internally displaced persons. In the reception centre they can stay for 72 hours, receive food and necessary medical assistance, get warm and rest. At the same time their relocation to one of the approved camps located in northern Idlib is organized. Our donation will cover the installation of four new Rubb Halls (framed tents) that will be able to host 160 families at once. We will also establish a field kitchen with necessary equipment. Additionally, we will organize distribution of cooked meals. As a result, 19 000 people will receive assistance.

Project duration: 1.03. 2020 – 30.04. 2020

Location: Idleb, Syria

Donator: projekt finansowany ze środków własnych organizacji

Local partner: WATAN Foundation

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