

Polish Humanitarian Action is intensifying its activities related to the prevention of the spread of the coronavirus. In the countries where we provide our assistance, we are adapting and expanding our aid programmes in order to effectively support the people who are particularly vulnerable to the infection. Improving access to water and hygiene products, providing additional hygiene trainings and education about the coronavirus as well as protecting the elderly are some of the actions undertaken by PAH in response to the global pandemic.



In Ukraine, the elderly living near the front line are particularly vulnerable. Almost all of them struggle with chronic diseases which means that becoming infected with the coronavirus could be fatal for them. In this situation, the most important thing is to minimize social contacts, therefore our assistance will be provided directly to the homes of those in need, while adhering to all safety measures. The seniors will receive, among other things, food parcels and hygiene products.


In Somalia, large numbers of people struggle to access clean water. Many of them live in the camps for internally displaced persons where quarantine is not possible, therefore prevention is extremely important. Our local mission has already organized first large distribution of personal hygiene products. In connection with the pandemic, hygiene trainings will be provided on a larger scale and access to water will be further improved.

South Sudan

In South Sudan, we operate in the camps for internally displaced persons.  Our activities include providing of hand washing facilities and soaps. We will also distribute posters with information on how to prevent the spread of coronavirus and conducting hygiene promotion trainings.


In Yemen, we have rebuilt and equipped a local clinic, which now has access to safe water, medicines, medical supplies and laboratory equipment. Thanks to our support, this health facility employs doctors and nurses. As a first stage of the response to the pandemic, the clinic’s staff will be provided with protective masks and gloves, and we will also conduct educational activities for the local community.


In Iraq, our plans focus especially on intensifying hygiene trainings in the camps for internally displaced persons.

Refugees in Greece

Overcrowding and lack of access to clean water, hygiene products and medical care make the residents of the refugee camps in southern Greece particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus pandemic. Together with a local partner, we are active in the Moria camp, which currently accommodates almost 20,000 people. Our assistance includes installing hand washing facilities, equipping local clinic with masks and disposable gloves, and providing hygiene products to those most in need. We will also conduct hygiene trainings and an awareness campaign on preventing the spread of the coronavirus.

Polish Humanitarian Action, just like other organizations, is currently facing the same challenges as ordinary citizens. The problems with transport, supplies and access to the people we assist mean that we have to modify our programmes and adapt to the locally imposed restrictions. In this difficult time, we are working even harder. The assistance provided by PAH is particularly important during the ongoing pandemic since we specialise in water, sanitation and hygiene activities, i.e. those areas that are directly responsible for disease prevention. Today, we are asking especially for support to our actions, because the coronavirus knows no borders and we must show solidarity with those who are particularly vulnerable to the infection.

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