who we areresources

who we are?

We are a Polish non-governmental organisation, and we have been operating since 1992. In 2004, we were granted the status of a public benefit organisation.

We provide humanitarian aid: We help where help is most needed. We operate throughout the world. We react in places where humanitarian crises (natural disasters and armed conflicts) occur. Immediate humanitarian response to a crisis is the main priority, but equally important is seeking long-term solutions and preventing further catastrophes.

We protect the civilian population: The life and health of other people are our top priorities. We lend support to all those who need it. We do not differentiate between the conflicting sides or any religious groups. We respect all people regardless of their race, nationality or religion. We give particularly close attention to the most vulnerable groups: women, children, the elderly, people with disabilities and the internally displaced persons. We pursue our activities in such a manner and make such decisions that those whom we help can trust us and perceive our activities as being reliable. To ensure the highest quality of the support we provide, we adhere to the SPHERE standards. Our responsibility for those whom we help is also reflected in the way we speak of them and of our activities. The ethical dimension of our reports and messages is regulated by the Code of Conduct on Images and Messages Relating to the Third World.

We help responsibly: We remember that we are guests in the places where we work. We choose such forms of activity which are long-lasting or offer opportunities for further development. Our support is adapted to the culture and customs of those whom we help. Our field activities are conducted mainly by local employees who come from the country in which we work. We try to obtain our products, equipment and tools from the nearest possible place – thus we support the local economy. The ethical framework of our activities is regulated by the Red Cross Code of Conduct. In countries afflicted by humanitarian crises we operate on the basis of a system of humanitarian aid clusters, which regulate and co-ordinate all regional activities. Thus our aid can be more effectively adapted to the real needs and reaches places which have not been reached by other organisations. It can also be complementary to assistance provided by other organisations operating in the same place.

We educate the society: We conduct various social campaigns addressed to Poles. We inform them of the needs of the citizens of the countries in which we work. We stress the global needs and rights of people, such as: access to drinking water, food, safe shelter and toilets. We encourage the society to get actively involved in humanitarian aid. We support grassroots fundraising campaigns and events which are intended to raise the public awareness of the needs of other people. We include Polish schools in nationwide educational campaigns – we educate children and young people.


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