2018/2019 – SYRIA – WATER

Our activities have been addressed to people who were forced to abandon their homes as a result of the armed conflict on the territories of Idleb, Hama, and Ghuta. We carry out activities centered around access to water, sanitary infrastructure, and hygiene in IDPs camps. We create new water tanks, we supply water with water … Continued

2018/2019 – Syria – Water

The project scope includes a wide range of activities related to safe water access and adequate sanitation.  We build, repair and maintain water supply networks, water tanks and stations, provide water generators and panel. This project also entails good hygiene promotion. Impact: 113 799 people. Project duration: 01.07.2018 – 30.06.2019 Location: Idleb, Hama, Aleppo, Syria Donor: Norwegian Church … Continued


Our aim is to provide professional humanitarian aid to all those who have been affected by humanitarian crises. Immediate, adequate and effective response is possible thanks to the Emergency Response Team (ERT). It is made up of specialists who are ready to immediately set off for regions affected by a humanitarian crisis. The team members … Continued

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