Dr. Elżbieta Mikos-Skuza

Dr. Elzbieta Mikos-Skuza is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw, Poland and a visiting professor at the College of Europe in Natolin. Her fields of specialization are: public international law, international humanitarian law of armed conflicts and peaceful resolution of international disputes. She is the Director of NOHA … Continued

Prof Jolanta Choinska-Mika

Jolanta Choińska-Mika is a Professor at the Institute of History, University of Warsaw (PhD 1991, habilitation 2004). Between 2005-2012 she was the Vice-Head of the Institute of History and was in charge of admissions, assessment, curriculum reform and students’ academic welfare. Between 2008 and 2016 she was a member of the University of Warsaw Senate’s … Continued

Mian Muhammad Junaid

Mian Muhammad Junaid is humanitarian, recovery and development professional with good background of programme design, delivery, advocacy, resource mobilization and its due utilization for larger scale multi-country humanitarian and development initiatives. Executive leadership, including in PBR (payment by result) setting, senior level representation and programme management experience with proven skills in managing consortia for effective result … Continued

Jan Weuts

Jan Weuts is the Humanitarian Advisor of Caritas International Belgium, overseeing worldwide disaster response of the Caritas network, and he represents Caritas Internationalis in the Sphere Board. Since 2009 he lectures on Humanitarian Management in the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve and in the NOHA Fall/Spring schools and Intensive Programs. Before joining Caritas, he worked 15 … Continued


Throughout holidays, we invite you to meet us during the biggest music festivals in Poland. Every year, we meet thousands of young people wanting to cooperate with us and engage in fundraising around the country. Holiday time favors discussions about access to safe water and sanitary conditions. Lack of the access to water and sanitation … Continued

Sześć mitów o pracownikach humanitarnych

Eng lorem ipsum dolor Czy wiesz, że ponad 50% Polaków myśli, że dla pracownika humanitarnego wykonywana praca to hobby, a nie zawód wymagający odpowiednich kwalifikacji? Co więcej, blisko 70% z nas sądzi, że pracownik humanitarny nie otrzymuje wynagrodzenia za swoją pracę, a działania gwiazd takich jak Angelina Jolie czy Bono to właśnie przykład pomocy humanitarnej. … Continued

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