Join the PAH Club
What is the PAH Club? Why is it worthwhile to become its part?

The PAH Club is a community created by the committed donors of the Polish Humanitarian Action, which regularly supports our aid activities. All of these people share one goal: to reduce people’s suffering by providing humanitarian aid and conducting development cooperation. 


Thanks to the declared monthly donations, we can effectively plan aid activities and reach more and more people with aid. In 2022, nearly 2 million people in 11 countries benefited from our projects! All this would not be possible if it were not for the regular donations of each and every one of you.


Join the PAH Club – a community created by committed people – and provide us with the opportunity to help on a regular basis! 

I want to join the PAH Club

How to join the PAH Club? It’s simple – you can do it in two ways: 

Option 1

Declare a monthly payment with your card. The deposit form shown next to it will help you with this. You can opt out of recurring payments or change the amount of your payments at any time – write a message to: 
Stay in touch with us! When filling out the form, check your consent to receive our newsletter. Approximately once every 2 weeks you will receive a message from us with information about our activities and the effects of our joint aid, educational materials and invitations to events organized by us. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time if you change your mind. 

Join the PAH Club

Option 2 

Make monthly donations directly to the PAH account – set up a standing transfer at your bank. 

Our account number is:   
Alior Bank S.A. konto nr 02 2490 0005 0000 4600 8316 8772.
In the subject line, write: PAH CLUB  


If you make donations to the PAH account and want to stay in touch with us, sign up for our newsletter!

Receive your welcome pack!

Each person who joins the PAH Club receives special gifts from us. If you want to receive the package and you have created a subscription through the form, please send us your home address to the following e-mail address: 


If you make regular donations directly to our bank account – you will receive the package to the address used in the transfer. If you would like to cancel the shipment of your package, please let us know in an email. 

Najczęściej zadawane pytania dotyczące Klubu PAH
What are my donations used for? 

Depending on what are currently the most immediate needs, we use your donations to aid the most vulnerable people to mitigate the impact of the crisis or to develop our activities in countries where we have been running projects for years. You can make your donations without indicating where they are to be used and leave us the opportunity to direct the funds to where they are most needed. You can also tell us what you care about most and specify the purpose (e.g. water, food, education) or the country of our activities in the title of the payment. 

How can I make monthly donations? 

Donations can be made in two ways. 


  1. Through direct donations to the account by setting up a standing order in the bank. Our account number is: 
    Alior Bank S.A. konto nr 02 2490 0005 0000 4600 8316 8772
    In the subject line write: KLUB PAH
  2. With the use of payment cards on our website. It is a secure payment method and your personal information is protected by us. Deposits will be automatically debited from your card every 20th of the month. You can cancel your subscription or change the subscription amount at any time. 

Can I change the amount of my donation?

To become a member of the PAH Club, you need to make regular donations every month. If you want to change the deposit amount, please write to us at: and we will help you do it. 

How can I change my data?

Write an send a letter to this: Polska Akcja Humanitarna, al. Solidarności 78A, 00-652 Warszawa.

How can I cancel payments and membership in the Club?

You can do this at any time by simply stopping making deposits or by writing to us: We will cancel your subscription within 7 days of your request. 

Will you remind me of the upcoming payment date?

Unfortunately, we do not have the possibility. In order not to have to remember about monthly payments, we recommend using the form or setting up a standing order – then the Donations will be collected automatically in a secure way. Remember that you can unsubscribe or change the amount of donations at any time. 

Can I deduct a donation from my taxes?

Yes. All payments you use to support PAH’s actions can be deducted from your tax. 

Contact us
We will answer all your questions, make suggestions or together work out the best form of cooperation with us for you!
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