What actions are being taken by PAH in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank?

Since October 7 2023, there are intense military actions taking place in the Gaza Strip, for which the greatest price is paid by the Palestinian civilians.  


As of right now, we know that as a result of the conflicts there have been at least 39.000 casualties (70%~ estimated to be women with children), and at least 90.000 cases of wounding. Those numbers grow with each coming day. By now, 1.700.000 people (80% of the Gaza Strip citizens) have been forced to leave their homes behind. 

The humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is catastrophic. Its area is constantly subject to shootings, and there currently are no safe areas for the civilians to shelter in. This applies to the humanitarian workers, journalists, and the medics stationed in the area as well. Over 270 humanitarian aid workers – mostly Palestinians – have died. 


The situation in the West Bank is also tragic. People there are subject to attacks, destruction of homes and public use buildings, and the access to basic services is limited. For decades, this area has been left underfinanced and unmaintained, which affects the already low level of healthcare – especially in the areas of child birth and gynecology.  

What is PAH doing?

The situation in the Gaza Strip favors the spreading of viral diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, and respiratory tract infections. No access to drinking water and shelters with toilets and showers also prevents many of the people from maintaining and following the basic hygiene rules. 

For this reason, PAH in cooperation with the CARE Palestine organization, which is currently present in the Gaza Strip, has delivered basic hygiene kits to 550 families on the North of the zone. For many months, this area has been cut off from humanitarian aid, which made reaching the 3300-3500 people present there a priority. PAH is currently beginning a project with 2 local partners, in which close to 11.000 people will receive urgent food rationing aid. These actions will be carried out until the end of 2024.  


On the West Bank, PAH and local organizations are starting a 3-year project, which aims to increase the access to medical aid via the opening of mobile hospitals, and supporting the existing medical facilities, as well as teaching the people and delivering the necessary medicine and equipment.  

How can you help?

Your donation can have a massive influence over the lives of the people suffering from the humanitarian crisis in Palestine. By supporting the Polish Humanitarian Action, you can ensure that the people in need will receive food, medical aid, and other necessary items. Your help can become a glimmer of hope for the millions of people who desperately need the aid. All of the money donated can bring relief and rescue to the people faced with the most challenging living and material conditions. Donate to PAH!

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