Taste My Story | World Food Dayback

16 October is World Food Day. On this day we want to give you a closer look at the history of the people who receive our support. Show you how you can change the life of the other person with action. Underline that the help we provide is not only numbers but real people, with their own experience, their own history.
Droughts, floods, armed conflicts, and economic crises caused that nearly 800 million people around the world are threatened with hunger. It is often imagined that the only way to combat this phenomenon is to deliver food kits to those in need. In many situations, this is an indispensable solution, but in our stories, we want to show you how we support communities to produce food on their own.
In Southern Sudan, where the climate conditions are difficult and the economic crisis is rampant, as much as 60 percent of the population is threatened by hunger. Elizabeth Nyaden, a mother of seven, was in a very difficult situation and could not find work. She took part in a training course on agricultural trainings organized by us, she also received vegetable seeds and agricultural tools. Thanks to the support, she was able to start cultivating the land on her own. – Now I collect vegetables from my field every morning and sell them to others. This allows me to earn money and my family no longer has to rely on food distributed by humanitarian organizations,” says Elizabeth Nyaden.
In countries threatened by hunger, the solution is very often to supply water on a permanent basis. Stories such as the Somali Maryan Abukar, who had no access to drinking water for her family, her cows and the irrigation of corn during the drought, are testimony to this. We organised the water supply so that the cows survived and gave milk, which was the children’s staple food.
People who are internally displaced are in a special situation. Fleeing from war, they leave all their belongings, work and do not always find shelter in refugee camps. They live in abandoned houses or makeshift tents without access to clean water, exposed to cold and illness. Shahin Mahmud and his family escaped from the war in Syria to northern Iraq. He lived in one of the poorest districts in the city, family lacked money for food and basic products and the children did not go to school. Shahin Mahmud’s family was one of many in a similar situation and received financial support from us, giving them the chance to buy the things they mostly needed.
Behind every action, there is a person and their story. They are not just numbers, they are people. Taste their stories!
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