PAH’s Temporary Rapid Assistance Programme (TeRA) for People Who Fled Ukraine

We would like to inform you that we are currently experiencing an overwhelming volume of calls regarding registration. As a result, it has become extremely difficult to handle the high volume of phone calls effectively. We understand how frustrating and challenging this situation can be, and we want to assure you that we are working to address these limitations. We apologize for the ongoing technical issues that have been causing disruptions to our preregistration phone line. 

Have you fled Ukraine due to the war? Are you or your family currently in Poland and in need of assistance? Are you and/or your family unable to cover your basic and essential needs? You may qualify for PAH’s TERA programme. The main purpose of this programme is to help those most in need of assistance who fled Ukraine due to the war to cover some of their basic essentials. 

Who can apply for TERA Programme? 

If you or your family have fled Ukraine due to the war on or after February 24, 2022 (or since February 9, 2022 fearing the possibility of the invasion) AND you meet one of the following criteria: 

  • You are a single woman 
  • You were separated from spouse/partner 
  • You are the head of a single-headed household with children/dependents 
  • You or your family member suffer from chronic illnesses or have disabilities 
  • You are elderly men / women (60+ age) 
  • You or your family member is a pregnant/lactating woman 
  • You are a university student who fled Ukraine 

Meeting the criteria does not guarantee successful qualification 

Please note that not everyone who applies will qualify for assistance. Only those who are most severely in need of assistance and those who are verified can be approved to participate in this Temporary Emergency Rapid Assistance Programme. If currently or in the last 3 months you have received multipurpose cash assistance from another organization you are not eligible for TERA program. 



Additional information 

  • There are no fees for applying for the TERA programme. 
  • You will also be asked to consent to the collection and processing of your information for the purposes of process of qualification to programme and providing humanitarian aid. 

Due to high interest in enrollment, registration in the TERA program is conducted by PRELIMINARY APPOINTMENT ONLY by phone: 

+48 800 112 233 (toll-free for mobile operators from Poland) 


The helpline provides information about locations and possible time slots for registration for people wishing to apply to receive assistance and it only serves the purpose of pre-registration. The pre-registration line is open from 8:00 until its capacity is exhausted (no longer than 16:00) from Monday to Friday. There is no other possibility of registering to participate in this programme. This helpline is intended to only pre-register and for any questions about the programme you should contact the information hotline. 


After successful pre-registration, please show up at the selected location with documents of all members of the household that submits the application who are in Poland. Addresses, where pre-registered people can complete their application, are the following: 

Świetlica Związku Ukraińców w Polsce 
ul. Marii Konopnickiej 16 
73-110 Stargard 

Olsztyńskie Centrum Organizacji Pozarządowych 
ul. Tarasa Szewczenki 1 
10-274 Olsztyn 

Polish Humanitarian Action makes every effort to effectively provide assistance to those in need. 

In case of questions about the programme, please contact the hotline number mentioned below. 


Toll-free hotline (for subscribers of Polish operators): 

  • 800-105-555 



Download the document in PDF format


Can I register for TERA programme?  

Yes, if you meet at least one of the criteria listed in chapter “Who can apply for the TERA programme?”.  

Where can I register for the programme?  

Above, you can find the addresses of the registration points in Stargard and Olsztyn. Please follow our website to stay informed about new locations available.  

Can I register online? 

There is no online registration for TERA programme. To register, you need to make an appointment in advance by calling +48800 11 22 33 and coming in person to the chosen registration point at the appointed time.  

Should I come with all my family members for the registration?  

No, it is not required. The head of the household (preferably a nuclear family/two generations family) can enroll all his/her family members currently staying in Poland upon showing their ID or other documents confirming their identity (foreign or domestic passport, PESEL etc.) if they also fled Ukraine due to the war or fearing the possibility of invasion.  

What documents should I bring? 

You should bring only the identity documents (foreign or domestic passport) with the border crossing stamp after February 23, 2022 (or after February 9, 2022 fearing the possibility of the invasion) for all members of your family staying currently in Poland. The presence of a stamp is desirable, but not strictly required in some cases. 

Is this help provided by the UN/UNHCR?  

No. Polish Humanitarian Action and its partners act as independent humanitarian organizations and currently implement their own project funded by various donors – all the logos can be seen on the website.  

I’ve already registered for assistance from another organization. Can I register for TERA programme?  

If you are receiving or have received humanitarian assistance that is MPCA (assistance to cover basic needs for three to four months) from other organizations in the last 3 months, you cannot receive the assistance within the Temporary Emergency Rapid Assistance Programme (TERA).  

How and when will I know if I was qualified for assistance? 

Regardless of the positive or negative outcome, you should be informed of the decision no later than three business days after submitting your application. You will receive information about the result in an SMS notification to the number you indicated during the registration. 


What can I use the assistance for?  

The assistance is to help you to cover your basic needs. BLIK checks can be withdrawn in all major ATM networks in Poland. 

How to check if I already have the assistance or what is the balance that I have left?  

The amount available to you is shown in the SMS message with the BLIK check. If you don’t withdraw the full amount available on the BLIK check, you will receive another SMS after the operation is complete with another BLIK check with your balance minus the amount withdrawn. 

How often do payments come? 

You will receive the assistance for 3 months in a lump sum. 

How long are BLIK checks valid? 

After you receive your BLIK checks, they will be valid for 90 days. After this time, there will no longer be access to the assistance. 

Can I use BLIK checks outside of Poland?  

You can withdraw the assistance in Poland only. However, you can spend the money wherever you want. 

In case you still have a question afterwards, please call 800 10 5555. 

Program partners

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