Our accountabilityreports

we value transparency

We believe that confidence in an organisation is the prerequisite for providing effective humanitarian aid. Transparency of our work and pursuing a policy of transparency towards donors are high on our list of priorities. We provide reliable information on our activities and all the sources of financing. Our work is regulated by a number of various policies and internal rules and regulations, and its effectiveness and compliance with our values are constantly monitored.

Reporting: We submit detailed reports on our sources of financing. This helps us win the confidence of individual donors as well as of institutions and firms which provide us with financial support. All donations are used in accordance with the wishes of the donors and the objectives they have declared. We present regular reports on what the raised funds have been allocated to. These include not only daily reports on PAH’s current activities, but also annual content-related and financial reports on the organisation’s activities, which are publicly available (see below). Besides, also the Polish law obliges us to make such reports – as a non-governmental organisation enjoying the status of a public benefit organisation we submit annual reports to the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy as well as to the Ministry of Health.

Internal rules and regulations and internal audits: One of the mainstays of effective humanitarian aid is transparency of the work environment and the highest professionalism. Confidence in an organisation must also be built from the inside. To this end, we have established transparent recruitment procedures as well as other procedures pertaining to our team’s work. We have also adopted specific internal rules and regulations pertaining to: financial operations, purchases, orders, security, reporting, code of ethics and disclosing abuse. All internal processes are examined through internal and external audits. The quality of assistance provided to our beneficiaries is constantly monitored. Our employees and beneficiaries are protected by our non-discrimination policy. Other rules and regulations prevent the risk of financing terrorism and money-laundering. The financial security of our organisation and observance of its regulations are assessed by a financial controller and an internal auditor.


In its work, Polish Humanitarian Action as a non-governmental humanitarian organization is guided by values such as neutrality, apoliticism, honesty, reliability, transparency and professionalism. Compliance with the provisions of law and with the above-mentioned values is aimed not only at ensuring the highest quality of aid that we bring to our beneficiaries, but also at ensuring the safety of the foundation.

A complaint may be submitted, and an irregularity may be signaled by any person who is in any way connected with PAH or who possesses knowledge about any irregularities or abuse of our employees:

  • beneficiaries who benefit from PAH support and members of the local community in which the organization’s activities are carried out;
  • PAH employees and voluntary workers;
  • partners supporting PAH and cooperating with PAH;
  • contractors;
  • all other authorities and entities that have the knowledge about the activities of PAH (e.g. local authorities of a given country, donors, etc.).
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